Smell Me
Smell me is a project whose flag is to awaken the creativity of the senses through interactive olfactive-ludic experiences. Our principal banner is to always summon participants’ emotional connection.
SmellMe was born with a disruptive spirit, on the look-out for the creation of new concepts related to different domains : corporate, educative and artistic, for instance.
Through sensorial experiences, artistic performances y innovative actions, SmellMe accompanies brands and individuals with a high potential to get closer to their publics connecting with them through their senses and emotions, generating empathy and strengthening the bond between both.
Following her intuition and her smell, Melina Napolitano has created this concept of smells in movement. Reviving the intrinsic power of these particles that travel through the air making part of our lives.
Creative Workshops

Art can be experienced through all senses. In this opportunity, we invite you to to do it though the sense of smell.
We performed an introduction to a set of different fragrances so that participants could get to know the compositions and families. After that, we proceeded to get into the collection of « verboamerica »to choose one piece of work and create our own smell based on it.

Based on sensorial experiences
It has the goal of awakening noses through life. Raise awareness of the importance of the sense of smell in our emotions and day to day decisions

Experimental olfactive workshops
- Design of tailored and customer oriented workshops
- Blindfolded guessing game
- Creation of special activities

The workshop targets the development of the sense of smell. The exploration of raw materials together with the association technique is the tool that I propose to learn to identify, classify and remember smells.

Inspirational Activities
Smell, feel, remember. How many times do we actually take notice of what we smell? From all senses, smell is the most primitive, the first we use when we are born. At the same time, since we remember 35% of what we smell, it is the most direct link we have to our memories .
It’s an invitation to a journey through the secrets of your nose.

Immersive Settings
iNmmersive settings are sensorial set-ups created with the aim of generating interaction between the public and their senses. On the look-out fo a more natural connection, through different artistic activities, we dodge the prejudices of a routine and by means of our senses, we connect with ourselves.